Nesse & Berridge (1997): Psychoacive drug use in evolutionary perspective

오늘 든 잡생각 2014. 12. 14. 05:23
오늘 또 읽다가 주옥같은 글귀를 발견했다.

Addiction = Brain disease? 라는 관점에 대한 대안적인 관점을 추가적으로 제시한 아티클이랄까.

요는 진화적으로는 마약이 이득이지만, 현대의 여러 마약들은 수억년간 진화된 뇌에 상충되는 효과를 보이고 있다는 것..?

그래서 왜 마약에 중독이 되는걸까.. 뭐 이런걸 뇌만 들여다볼게 아니라 사회적, 심리적, 관계적 관점에서 고려해야한다는 것.


... The strong association between emotional symptoms and susceptibility to addiction... has been interpreted in a sophisticated evolutionary perspective ... This view encourages therapeutic attention to the diversity of factors that influence people's emotions, such as relationships, social support, social inequality, the experience of discrimination,, and opportunities or blocked opportunities ...

... mismatch between novel pharmacological hyperincentives and ancient rain mechanisms...

... Furthermore, just because a drug relieves a negative emotion does not mean that the emotion is abnormal, nor does it imply that the drug works by reversing a brain defect. Aspirin, after all, reduces body temperature only in people with fever, but fever is a defense against disease, not a disease itself. ...

Nesse, R. M., & Berridge, K. C. (1997). Psychoactive drug use in evolutionary perspective. Science, 278(5335), 63-66. 
